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彈性不織布 (專利產品) Elastic Nonwoven



◆ 透氣,質地細緻,伸縮自如
◆ 屈關節上服貼性佳
◆ 遮蔽性佳,不易透膠
◆ 無毛邊、好裁剪
◆ 經SGS測試無刺激性化學成份,不傷皮膚,不造成敏感

厚度:0.5mm ~ 1.0mm
重量:75g/㎡ ~ 110g/㎡

• 痠痛貼布底材(藥膏布)
• 醫美面膜
• 退熱貼
• 彈性服裝裡襯
• 彈性握把皮

勝宏官網 www.shi.com.tw

Elastic nonwoven is produced with unique methods so it can suitably stretch when tension is applied and return to its original forms when force is absent. It is soft and comfortable on the skin.

◎ Soft and smooth. Comfortable to the skin
◎ Easy to cut without frayed edges
◎ Excellent adhesive properties on joints
◎ Excellent covering properties
◎ SGS tested for zero skin irritation
◎ Both spunlace and needle punch products are available
◎ Hydrophilic type is available

Thickness:0.5mm ~ 1.0mm
Weight:75g/㎡ ~ 110g/㎡

◎ Medical Plaster
◎ Cooling Patch
◎ Facial Mask
◎ Bandage
◎ Elastic Garment Interlining